6 Top Personality Traits Revealed By Your Shoes - Omega Walk

6 Top Personality Traits Revealed By Your Shoes

We say put your best foot forward. But, do you know shoes say a lot about your personality. Wondering! How can the shoes you wear casually or for comfort can...
Azel Kish Dora
Top Reasons On Why You Should Invest In Your Shoes - Omega Walk

Top Reasons On Why You Should Invest In Your Shoes

Do you roll your eyes when you see celebrities, and many of your friends go weak on knees when they see a pair of fancy shoes? Do you know people...
Akhilesh Bussa
Best Ways To Improve The Health Of Your Feet (Without Visiting A Doctor) - Omega Walk

Best Ways To Improve The Health Of Your Feet (Without Visiting A Doctor)

Your feet are perhaps the essential part of the body that decides on whether you will be able to climb that mountain this year or the next. However, it all...
Akhilesh Bussa
Important Healthy Foot Habits to Bid Goodbye to Any Potential Foot Issues - Omega Walk

Important Healthy Foot Habits to Bid Goodbye to Any Potential Foot Issues

Has someone complimented you for your pretty feet? Or has someone remarked a not very pleasant thing about the cracked heels? Either way, you are doing something with the feet...
Akhilesh Bussa
Debunking The Myths About Foot Health - Omega Walk

Debunking The Myths About Foot Health

Debunking The Myths About Foot Health We have heard many facts since childhood about foot care that we may not differentiate between reality and a myth. Our feet are the...
ABCoder Tech Collaborator
6 Ways to Prevent Foot and Ankle Injuries - Omega Walk

6 Ways to Prevent Foot and Ankle Injuries

We spend hours standing in front of the mirror to get dressed before stepping out. We may spend a fortune getting the best clothes. But how much time do we...
ABCoder Tech Collaborator
How to Pick Right Shoes for Your Feet - Omega Walk

How to Pick Right Shoes for Your Feet

What happens when you stand in a queue for a long time? If you have been standing in your stilettos, surely it must have been a sensitive matter. If you...
ABCoder Tech Collaborator
6 Health Problems That You Get With Poor Choice Of Footwear - Omega Walk

6 Health Problems That You Get With Poor Choice Of Footwear

Who doesn’t love stepping out in designer clothes and high pair of heels? Everyone, right? However, what you don’t bargain for is the pain of standing in high heels all...
ABCoder Tech Collaborator
Do You Know the Relationship Between Footwear and Body Posture? - Omega Walk

Do You Know the Relationship Between Footwear and Body Posture?

What do you do the moment you return home? Kick-off your shoes and let out a sigh of relief? Some may even do the same in their drive back home....
ABCoder Tech Collaborator